Deep Time

Good Seeds: A Menominee Indian Food Memoir by Tom Weso: Tom’s memoir has been praised throughout the land, including Julie Tollefson in Lawrence Magazine, who writes, “Food is ceremony’…Weso’s multi-generational stories show real connections between people and food, in the resourcefulness of his extended family of hunters, fishermen and gardeners …served alongside lessons in history, tribal lore, traditional medicine, nature and family.” The Midwest Booksellers Association said of the memoir, ““Weso uses humor and his rare perspective as a Native anthropologist and artist to tell his story of a boy learning to thrive in a land of icy winters and summer swamps.” Read more about the book, and try out a recipe Tom has shared with us for Pemmican Bison Burgers too. Tom Weso Recipe and Reviews

“Turtles as Survivors” from The Turtle’s Beating Heart: One Family’s Story of Lenape Survival by Denise Low: Poet, writer, and educator Denise Low writes of her Lanape heritage in this memoir that blends history, family stories, and poetic renderings of place. She writes in this part of the book, “I remember that first snapping turtle as though it were still next to me and its ferocity. I remember my Delaware grandfather’s power. Turtles can be both dormant and active, like memory itself. When turtles burrow into mud in the winter, they wait but do not die. They have their seasons and migrations.” Read the excerpt and learn more about the book here.

“When the Amber Waves Were Blue” by Michael J. Everhart: Currently an adjunct curator of paleontology at the Sternberg Museum of Natural History in Hays, Kansas, Mike’s interests include the fossils from the Smoky Hill Chalk of western Kansas, the history of Kansas paleontology, nature photography and gardening. He’s also the author of Oceans of Kansas: A Natural History of the Western Interior Sea (Indiana University Press, 2005) and Sea Monsters: Prehistoric Creatures of the Deep (National Geographic, 2007), both of which were awarded as Kansas Notable Books. He begins this essay by telling us, “The Midwest, and especially Kansas, is often characterized by the allusion of being covered by “amber waves of grain” during the harvest season.” Read his essay here

“Mennonites in Kansas” by Liz Black: Liz Black, whose people were some of the first Mennonite settlers in Kansas, recalls her heritage as well as the story of how and why her people came here. She writes, “My great grandparents and their siblings were in the first two large Mennonite groups of immigrants to leave Russia and settle in Kansas in 1874.” Liz is a writer and editor, and the author of the novel Buffalo Spirits, which is loosely based on her childhood in southwestern Kansas.

“Kansas Springs” by Roy Beckemeyer: Poet, writer, and Konza editor Roy looks at how Kansas springs have evolved and functioned over time in this essay in which he writes, “Springs are an important natural resource, especially in arid regions like Kansas, and springs have played a significant role in the history of our state, both for Native Americans and for European settler…” He goes on to look at springs in Flint Hills in depth also. Read this article for a lively exploration of the water we can and cannot always see.