2016 Bioregionalism

13217411_10103624025251309_7965765541683291477_o“A Bioregional Primer” by Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg: Learn more about bioregional definitions and origins of the movement along with links to many lively sources and a few maps. This also includes the “Welcome Home” statement from the bioregional movement. “A growing number of people are recognizing that in order to secure the clean air, water and food that we need to healthfully survive, we must become guardians of the places where we live.” Click here for the Bioregional Primer. (Photo by Joanne C. Hickey)


“Loving God Means Loving the Earth” by Gene Marshall: Explore the deep connections between theology, Christianity, and learning to be active stewards of place in this in-depth essay from one of the leading bioregional theologians. “The poetry of prophetic ethics for Century 21 includes recognizing that loving God means loving planet Earth and all that takes place on this planet and all that fails to take place.” Click here for the rest of Loving God Means Loving the Earth


“One and a Half Poems” by David Haenke: A short poem dedicated to bioregional activist and songwriter Frazer Lang, who has devoted his life to restoring native salmon and is also the author of a great song about the salmon returning — you’ll find a link to hear that song too. “sung to The Gates of Eden/
this time of my existence salmon fighting home/ the reward for my persistence…” Click here for the rest of One and a Half Poems

Sources & Resources:

  • Climate Change online resources: Ken Lassman has assembled this information and detailed resources page, introducing it with, “Want to have a better understanding of the issues surrounding the changing climate?  I’ve assembled below resources that I believe represent the most objective resources available on the internet that have helped me get beneath all the hoopla, provide objective data sources (continually updated) that leads to a better understanding of climate dynamics, what is hyperbole and what is of real concern.” See it all here.
  • Judy Goldhaft of the Planet Drum Foundation sent us this link of a 1992 interview with Planet Drum co-founder, the late and very visionary Peter Berg. Turn in to hear the audio of the interview and see the transcript. Here’s the mission of Peter and Judy’s amazing and long-term venture: “The Planet Drum Foundation  was founded in San Francisco, CA in 1973. In association with community activists and ecologists, Planet Drum developed the concept of a bioregion. Planet Drum works to research, promote and disseminate information about bioregionalism, a grassroots approach to ecology that Untitled 2emphasizes sustainability, community self-determination and regional self-reliance. Through its projects, publications, speakers, and workshops, Planet Drum helps start new bioregional groups and encourages local organizations and individuals to find sustainable ways to live within the natural confines of bioregions. We believe that people who know and care about the places where they live will work to maintain and restore them.”
  • The International Institute for Facilitation and Change, founded by bioregionalist Bea Briggs, describes itself this way: “Our job is to help these groups find new pathways to communicate with each other and the communities they serve, to become both more disciplined and more creative in the ways they work and to make decisions that they are prepared to implement.” IIFAC offers facilitation and consensus training in, so far, 40 countries in English, Spanish, and Portuguese for groups that includabout1e government agencies, businesses, non-profit organizations, and bioregional and other communities. IIFAC’s website is in Spanish and English, and the institute offers free coffee-break webinars, and dozens of inspiring and instructive articles on facilitation, better meetings, and so much more — all free here. IIFAC even has a poster of its “hidden agenda” that says, “Join the international struggle to end boring, unproductive meetings now.”



Tomato blossom by Joanne C. Hickey