
KAW Council Presents An Evening with Five Kansas Poets Laureate: Poems by Kevin Rabas, Eric McHenry, Wyatt Townley, Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, and Denise Low

KAW Council is happy to present an evening and reading with five Kansas Poets Laureate: Kevin Rabas, 2017-19; Eric McHenry, 2015-17; Wyatt Townley, 2013-15; Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, 2009-13; and Denise Low, 2007-09. Join us to hear poetry from each of the poets followed by time to visit, enjoy refreshment, and peruse the poets’ books. The event will be held at 7:30 p.m., Nov. 9th at 2544 Westbrook Circle in Lawrence at the Center for Design Research at KU. More details here. Here’s a sneak preview of poems from each of these Kansas poets laureate — 5 Poets Laureate at Large

“The Work That Reconnects in the Prairie” by Teri Grunthaner and Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg: Teri Grunthaner has been leading workshops in the Lawrence area to help Kansans connect with Joanna Macy’s powerful “work that reconnects.” In this interview with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, Teri says, “Joanna’s writing spoke truths that I knew in my heart but couldn’t articulate — that my pain for the world grows from my interconnection and love with the world; that our culture pathologizes the expression of grief and fear, keeping us trapped and numb; that there are many ways to work for cultural and systemic revolution, and that they are all needed.” Grunthaner Interview

“Dragonfly Whisperer On His Side of the Mountain” by Stephen Locke: Stephen Locke is known as a weather-chaser-photographer supreme, but it turns out that he’s also a dragonfly whisperer, as evidenced by this video. Take a few moments to see Stephen, who now lives as a self-described digital nomad, call in and entertain a dragonfly.

You’ll also enjoy Stephen’s “My Side of the Mountain,” one of his latest Vlogs about what it means to live close to the sky while hunkered down in the Rockies.


Stephen says of himself: “I’m a digital nomad, artist, painter, photographer, filmmaker. I live and work on the highways and hinterlands of North America. Embracing change, I migrate in accord with seasons, wind and weather making visual art inspired by ever new locations and never unchanging forces of nature.” He’s also co-author, with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, of the award-winning Chasing Weather: Tornadoes, Tempests, and Thunderous Skies in Word and Image, Ice Cube Press. Enjoy Stephen’s latest vlogs and news at his website — and also check out his wild weather gallery of stunning photos at You can also sign up to follow him here:

Three Poems by Dennis Etzel, Jr: Dennis is author of three chapbooks, a poetic memoir, and a Kansas Notable Book award-winning collection of poetry. He lives in Topeka with Carrie and his five sons. His poetry books speak deeply to contemporary and more timeless issues, writes in “Bird Triptych”:

I can’t lay my children down

to sleep as drones

repeat the casualties

like a prayer a dream

Dennis Etzel Jr – Three Poems